Saturday, November 8, 2008

headaches are lessening

I'm happy to report that the headaches are lessening in severity and in occurance!
thank you Lord!

i feel its a combo of the new med i am on from the neurologist and the adjustments im getting from the chiropractor and the massage(s) im getting.

Praying that they keep lessening!

Oh ya and I EXERCISED on friday! now there's a first in over 3 months! i did 1 round of the strength training that my trainer set up for me, using the big exercise ball and hand weights and walked on the treadmill for 15 min while watching the morning show on qvc! that was dangerous as i nearly picked up the phone and ordered some pants but i have enough at the moment LOL! Tomorrow we are gonna rake leaves with the youth group from church and I am going to try hard to do m/w/f for the exercise to get back into a routine. slow but sure but i didn't feel that horrid after. 

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